Marital & Couple Therapy
We are all born with an innate need to connect and to belong, but most of us were not taught how to actually do relationships well.
Things generally start out well. But over time, life happens. For some couples, it’s an act of betrayal or deception that shatters their sense of safety and trust; for others, it’s the gradual fading of passion until one day you feel more like roommates than lovers.
Some relationships are plagued by constant fighting, arguments and power struggles that never feel resolved; for others, it’s the emotional disconnect.
And many couples just need some help navigating differences or life stressors such as parenting, illness, losses, finances, work, transitions, and more.
Your relationship shouldn’t feel tense, exhausting, lonely or like a battle ground. If you are feeling frustrated & stuck, don’t wait! The best thing you can do is meet with a professional, sooner than later, who has been specifically trained to work with couples.
Where would you like to see change happen in your relationship?
Fact: Great relationship are built with intention and effort by the people in them. With Terri’s expert help, you can fix your relationship, embrace your differences, end the struggle, become the partner you want to be, and design the relationship of your dreams.
Terri is fiercely committed to helping you to learn how to do relationships and to prioritize and grow your LOVE!
Some Benefits of Couples & Relationship Therapy:
Repair trust after a betrayal or affair
Learn to fight fair & deal with our triggers better
Improve emotional intimacy
Experience deep healing through Conscious Relationship
Navigate those fundamental differences with greater ease
Improve your ability to be more present & show up in your relationship
Let go of old hurts & resentments
Establish relationship expectations, agreements and boundaries
Rekindle that spark…or create something completely new
Eliminate non-relational behaviors such as - dishonesty, defensiveness, addictions, jealousy, blame, criticism, avoidance, power struggles, gaslighting, the silent treatment
Learn relationship skills
Learn to parent or co-parent as a team
Learn to communicate differently – how to listen better and express yourself so you can be heard & understood
Build a strong friendship
Pre-marital counseling
Ethical Non-monogamy friendly
Neurodivergent affirming
Transform your relationships to HAPPY!