Sex & Relationship Therapy for Individuals & Couples
Terri’s specialized training in sex therapy is something that differentiates her from other psychotherapists in the Capital District, and clients come from all over New York State for her expertise. Many people come with sexual issues as their primary complaint, but some are just happy to know they can discuss these types of concerns in the context of other issues.
Like most other forms of psychotherapy, sex therapy is talk therapy. There is never any nudity or sexual behavior in sessions.
Over the course of a person's lifetime, many things can negatively impact a person’s sexual functioning and libido. It is not uncommon for all of us to experience sex-related challenges at some point in our lives.
Your sexual health matters! Why not get the care you deserve?
Terri can help you with:
Pelvic & Sexual Pain
Male performance problems (erectile dysfunction, rapid ejaculation, delayed or absent ejaculation)
Anxiety, insecurities & fears
Unconsummated Marriage
Low-High Desire discrepancies in a couple
Coping with a break-up
Low Desire in women & men
Changes in a couple’s sex life after baby
Orgasm difficulties in women
Overcoming religious or cultural shame
Gender identity and sexual orientation
Sexual recovery after cancer, surgery or heart attack
Affair or infidelity recovery
Sexual trauma
Navigating online dating
Changes associated with aging
Out of Control Compulsive Sexual Behavior
Problems with online pornography
LGBTQ+ relationships & sexual health
Ending a relationship with care & respect
OCD - sexual subtypes
Understanding, accepting, and communicating sexual fantasies & kinks
Exploring & or practicing consensual ethical non-monogamy, alternative lifestyles, identities, family structures & so much more.
Sex and disabilities
Improving body image
Sex & infertility
Managing sexual side effects of medications
Eliminating toxic couple dynamics of pressure, duty, obligation, avoidance, guilt
Integrating sexuality & spirituality
Dating & love on the Autism spectrum
Sexual health questions